Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas--Then and Now

Christmas is a special time of year for me, it always has been, but moreso these past few years. As I begin to decorate the house (after unloading many huge boxes of decoration from garage shelves), my spirit lifts...and I remember.
When our four children were small in our very small house, the handmade sparkly paper snowflakes hanging in the windows and the little decorations stuck here and there created a magic place. Glenn strung lights across the front of the house. The Cash Clan would drive up into the snowy mountains to search for the perfect noble tree, spending the entire day to find one we loved, and coming home in the dark, wet, tired, but satified. For all the kids growing up years, we traveled to my folks in California or to Glenn's in Eugene as we wanted to share this special time with grandparents. Nona Cash had knitted the kids'stockings which were filled with goodies from Santa. All the presents were hidden until Christmas morning, and presents were opened one at a time!
Now Christmas is different in that our house is filled with decorations, a collection of Santas here, Snowmen there, musical workshops to windup, small lights strung everywhere, silver garland on the front door and stairway. But the handmade snowflakes have endured and still hang to remind us of years gone by. Some of the decorations are antiques by now. Wooden toy soldiers guard the front door, from a Holiday Fair years ago. We find going to a rural tree farm serves us better, but we still do it as a family and enjoy the outing anyway. Glenn now strings icicle lights everywhere, with lighted deer in the garden, and he created a giant lighted wreath for the front walkway that you walk through!
Now we are the grandparents, and it gives us joy to watch the little ones' excitement as they see all the lights, eat gingerbread men cookies and push the windup workshops buttons(over and over!) Our beautiful tree is covered with ornaments from years gone by, adding a few each year. The stockings are the ones this Grammy cross stitched for her grandchildren. We are still opening presents one at a time, so each can be appreciated...even though some would like to speed things up. Tradition is hard to change.
Christmas IS a special time, not just for the decorations, but the love we share at the time of year with friends and family. Nothing comes down until after New Year's, as I want to prolong this feeling as long as possible.
We hope you and yours are as blessed as we are.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

He scored!!

Did you ever want something so badly that it was all you could think about? What if there were others who could easily do what you wanted, even making it seem easy? What if you felt clumsy and couldn't make your feet move faster? Would you keep trying or would you quit hoping?

Today was the last game of the season for the Jr. Hi Soccer team, and they were winning. Mackenzie has played part of each game, improving each time as he learned the game. Being aggressive, colliding bodies, kicking, running all out don't come naturally to Mack. He wanted to play, wanted to be one of the guys, wanted to score--a kind of rite of passage for this 12 year old. We all hoped he could do it, not for the team, not for his folks, but for Mack.

Today was cold and threatening rain, but Mack made the sun shine when he headed the black and white ball into the net, scoring his first soccer goal! HE DID IT! Did you see that perfect header! What a moment for this young warrior!

Way to go, Mack!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Grandparent Day with Trinity

Trinity had invited us to her preschool for the Big Day! She had told her Mommy that she thought we'd be excited! As we walked in the school with her, she was excited and shyly quiet, which is Trinity's way. She looked so big, hanging up her backpack in her special rack before meeting Miss Aubrey at the classroom door.

Whether it was "Crisscross, applesauce" on the rug to sing a song in Spanish or playing at the various centers, Tinity was in her element. It was fun interacting with her and her little friends, many with very unique names. Being with 20 preschoolers for two hours in nonstop active learning was a great experience.

Time to play "Duck, Duck, Goose" and then goodbye to our Trinity as she raced across the playground with a friend to climb to the top of the play structure.
This little girl is on her way!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Trying to Get the Hang of it!

Since I'm computer-paranoid, blogging seemed like such an easy way to communicate with friends and family. People could read the blog if they wanted to--or not. But then I froze up trying to say something PROFOUND, ENTERTAINING, or ENLIGHTENING!
So I said nothing! Reading various blogs, I've come to the conclusion that most people don't say particularly profound things, but living our lives is profound. My second attempt at blogging is to JUST DO IT! That's becoming the mantra I try to live by. So many times life seems complicated and even overwhelming, but it can be lived a day at a time, if we relax and enjoy. There was a quote that I remember: Life is so daily! We just need to remember to live each day, every day, and our life will be the richer for it.
Ill keep trying!

Friday, August 19, 2005

First Post

Why do I have a blog? Good question! This is a novel, modern way to keep up with family and friends all over the world. My husband and I have really gotten into traveling the world in the last several years; I have found a passion for expanding my horizons and trying new things. So, that is what this blog is for me. A way to expand my horizons once again. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and impressions of life from Cash Mountain.